Excelsior is a web-based app and is available on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android devices, as well as in any modern web browser. To install Excelsior, follow the steps below:
Open the Excelsior app in a browser, then use the 'Install' option available in your browser - you'll usually find it in the browser menu, or in the address bar. Excelsior will be downloaded as a desktop app.
Use the 'Add to Home Page' option available in the Safari browser. You may not find this option available in other browsers.
Use the 'Add to Home Page' option available in most Android browsers. You may also receive a prompt to install the app the first time you open it.
We wanted to make Excelsior as accessible as possible, and chose to use a web-based platform. This has a number of advantages: you can run the app on any device, your app is always up to date, and you can access your data anywhere.
Use the 'Report' feature found in the 'About' section of the app - you can use this if you'd like to suggest a feature, too. If you've filled in your username, we'll credit you in the patch notes for any report you submit that we've fixed!
There are some awesome apps available for Crisis Protocol. We really like ours, and we think we offer some cool unique features that will make your games better. That being said, if you're a fan of Assemble, Cerebro, Crit/Wild or something else - well, we are too! If there's a feature from another app you'd love to see in Excelsior, please let us know!
Excelsior is available on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android, on both phone and tablet.
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