Some more fun changes over the last couple days, getting ready for a more public beta.
New features:
- Sign-in screen now has custom art.
- Filters have been added to the character select list, finally!
- You can now submit suggestions for the rules reference section.
- Sub-topics are now searchable on the quick reference. If you've searched for status effects before, you'll really appreciate this!
- Tactics cards are now sorted alphabetically - proper filters coming soon.
- Currently selected characters are now displayed in the character select list.
Bugs fixed:
- Convocation won't show a leadeship warning, since they have no leaders.
- Affiliation limits were sometimes displaying errors even when you had enough characters. Shouldn't happen anymore.
- Clea is not part of Convocation. Honeybadger and X-23 also now list their affiliations.
- Infinity Gems don't count towards your character count when calculating affiliations.
Thanks again for using Excelsior!