A few small updates based on post-launch feedback - but you can finally pickup objectives! So it’s a worthy one.
Play Game
- New! You can now pickup objective tokens. You will only see tokens that are eligible to be picked up, and that are part of the crisis cards you selected. Both friendly and opposing characters can do this, too.
- Characters who have flipped to their injured side now show that side of their card on the game summary screen, making it (slightly) easier to see which of your characters have flipped.
- You can now reset opposing characters like you can friendly characters. One day they’ll reset themselves when you finish a game. One day.
- The view for Crisis Card tokens is now slightly more detailed. I had to rebuild how these tokens were stored in the database, so this was basically a happy accident.
- Added support for the Infinity War OP kit, including all Crisis Cards and tokens. You can choose this format when creating a new roster.
- Added the three new Team Tactic Cards from CP81.