Clash of Kings

A narrative campaign for the Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game

Armies collide across Westeros to decide the fate of the seven kingdoms! Join this slow-grow, narrative campaign and get started with the Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game!


Week 6 (28/11-4/12) point limit: 40 POINTS

The final week is upon us as we finally reach a mighty 40 points! Note well - you can continue to play after this week at your leisure, however the maesters of this event will be taking a break over December, so updates to the map and the scores will be on hiatus.

Although first place is nominally locked in, the fight for second is still a well-contested struggle. Mike, Bam, Nathan, Matt and Aaron are all within 10 points of a second-place finish, and we're sure to see some jumping up and down the table with so little time remaining.

In this final week, to celebrate our painting progress, the fully painted army bonus is a whopping 3 points, and the new commander bonus will stay at 3 points also.

Recent Battles




